The final days at the old job.

Since I’ve given my notice, coming in to work now is downright brutal. The commute sucks more. The assignments are more tedious, more annoying, and ironically, piling up. It figures when I’m about to leave the interesting projects come in. Now, I don’t even care.

Nearly everyone I work with has had really nice things to say, “You’ll be missed.” “What are we going to do without you?” What can we offer you to make you stay?” (That was my favorite.) “I’m so jealous you’re getting out of here!” Everyone, except one person. If you’ve read this blog, you might be able to guess. If not, catch up here.

And, all those projects piling up? Those are coming from her. She’s trying to get them in before I leave because she knows I’m a good writer. Bitch.

So, after all that, it’ll be interesting to see if she says anything to me before I leave. I haven’t decided if I’m going to say anything to her. The better person in me will say good-bye. You know, why burn bridges? But, the evil person in me has reached the point where I simply don’t give a shit what she thinks. She’ll be here forever anyway. We’ll see which person shows up for work on that last day. Keep a look out for that post. JUNE 25!

The final days at the old job.

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